Z Back to Lesson Library ASCA Lesson Plan with Mindset and Beliefs form School DistrictName(s):Your School NameLesson TypeSmall GroupCore CurriculumClosing-the-gapWhat will you name this lesson?Briefly describe the type of activity.What grades will you serve? K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Other ASCA National ModelWhat domain will this lesson address? Academic Career Personal-Social What is the lesson topic? Skills to investigate the world of work in relation to knowledge of self and make informed career decisions. Use strategies to achieve career goals. Understand the relationship between education, training and career. Understand the meaning and importance of self-awareness and career goals. Understand the relationship between career goals and interests, aptitudes and abilities. Understand relationship among personal and academic decisions, career expectations, and life decisions. Understand connection among attendance, collaboration, course selection, college admission, career expectations and life goals. What lesson topics will be covered? Interpersonal skills to help understand self and others Make decisions, set goals, and achieve them Understand safety and survival skills Personal responsibility and awareness Relationship between self and others in the broader world communication strategies What topics will this lesson cover? Attributes, knowledge and skills for lifelong learning. Academic preparation for post-secondary options. How academics relates to work, home life, and the community. Creative strategies for decision making and problem solving. Analytical strategies for understanding and decision making Select the ASCA Mindset Standard(s) that best align with this lesson. M 1. Belief in development of whole self, including a healthy balance of mental, social/emotional and physical well-being M 2. Self-confidence in ability to succeed M 3. Sense of belonging in the school environment M 4. Understanding that postsecondary education and life-long learning are necessary for long-term career success M 5. Belief in using abilities to their fullest to achieve high-quality results and outcomes M 6. Positive attitude toward work and learning Please select the Behavior Standards that best align with your plan. B-LS 1. Demonstrate critical-thinking skills to make informed decisions B-LS 2. Demonstrate creativity B-LS 3. Use time-management, organizational and study skills B-LS 4. Apply self-motivation and self-direction to learning B-LS 5. Apply media and technology skills B-LS 6. Set high standards of quality B-LS 7. Identify long- and short-term academic, career and social/emotional goals B-LS 8. Actively engage in challenging coursework B-LS 9. Gather evidence and consider multiple perspectives to make informed decisions B-LS 10. Participate in enrichment and extracurricular activities B-SMS 1. Demonstrate ability to assume responsibility B-SMS 2. Demonstrate self-discipline and self-control B-SMS 3. Demonstrate ability to work independently B-SMS 4. Demonstrate ability to delay immediate gratification for long-term rewards B-SMS 5. Demonstrate perseverance to achieve long- and short-term goals B-SMS 6. Demonstrate ability to overcome barriers to learning B-SMS 7. Demonstrate effective coping skills when faced with a problem B-SMS 8. Demonstrate the ability to balance school, home and community activities B-SMS 9. Demonstrate personal safety skills B-SMS 10. Demonstrate ability to manage transitions and ability to adapt to changing situations and responsibilities B-SS 1. Use effective oral and written communication skills and listening skills B-SS 2. Create positive and supportive relationships with other students B-SS 3. Create relationships with adults that support success B-SS 4. Demonstrate empathy B-SS 5. Demonstrate ethical decision-making and social responsibility B-SS 6. Use effective collaboration and cooperation skills B-SS 7. Use leadership and teamwork skills to work effectively in diverse teams B-SS 8. Demonstrate advocacy skills and ability to assert self, when necessary B-SS 9. Demonstrate social maturity and behaviors appropriate to the situation and environment What will your Learning Objectives (Unpacking) be?Describe the materials or resources needed.Handouts/ResourcesPlease provide the link to any outside resources or to an additional handout (may be a google doc link): Do you have an additional link to share? Yes No Handouts/ResourcesPlease provide the link to any outside resources or to an additional handout (may be a google doc link): Comment for handout/resource:Describe the procedure for conducting the activity.Process Data (rosters, schedule, etc.)Perception Data (surveys)Outcome DataFollow up: How will you help students who do not meet the objective?Do you wish to share your lesson with the Smart School Counselor Library? Yes No NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ